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Lesson 2: Phrases

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Lesson 2: Phrases Empty Lesson 2: Phrases

Post by Hazza Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:54 pm

Vocabulary for Lesson

Lesson 1: 
hola = hello
adiós = bye/goodbye
días = days
noches = nights
gracias = thank you
gusto = pleasure

Lesson 2:
sí = yes
no  = no
favor = help/favor
nada = nothing
siento = I feel
perdón = sorry/excuse me/perdon

Lesson 3:
hablo = I speak
hablas = You speak
español = Spanish
inglés = English
disculpe = sorry

Tips Written from Duolingo

Tardes and Noches
In English, "afternoon" comes before "evening," which in turn comes before "night." In Spanish there are only two words that cover these times of the day: "tarde" which means "afternoon," but overlaps with "evening," and "noche," which means "night" but also overlaps with "evening." Therefore, at 6:30pm it is ok to say either "buenas tardes" or "buenas noches."

Buenos Días
Even though "buenos días" literally means "good days," it is used in the mornings to mean "good morning."

Conjugation of 'Hablar'
Present indicative (presente del indicativo):

  • yo hablo

  • tú hablas

  • usted habla

  • él habla

  • ella habla

  • nosotros/as hablamos

  • ustedes hablan

  • ellos/ellas hablan

In Spanish, the most common negative word is "no". As an adverb negating a sentence, it always comes immediately before the verb.
I speak - [Yo] hablo.
I do not speak - [Yo] no hablo.
He is - [Él] es / está.
He is not - [Él] no es / está
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